How do you live more authentically?

At RISE counseling we offer different approaches to help you reclaim your authentic self.
We believe that good therapy involves more than just talking.

Navigating Milestones

Lisa Davis, MA, LPC

Are you someone who is experiencing feelings of dissatisfaction and restlessness in relationships, marriage, and life in general? You know something is wrong but you can’t put your finger on it. Are you feeling reckless and considering doing things that you never thought you would? You and your partner are stuck in dysfunctional patterns of relating to each other. You feel disconnected and overwhelmed by the repetitive nature of things. You often feel lonely, misunderstood, and easily irritated. You’re exhausted no matter how much sleep you get and you’re just not feeling your best. Are you turning to drugs and/or alcohol or engaging in other types of behavior in an attempt to ease your pain? You feel like an imposter at times. You’re experiencing feelings of grief and loss. Is infidelity an issue or concern in your relationship? You have dreams and aspirations for yourself but you’re lacking the clarity, focus and confidence required to take the first step. You feel apathetic toward things that once brought you pleasure and joy. Are you suffering from symptoms of panic, anxiety, or depression as a result of this uncertain time in your life?

Times of growth in life can be difficult and may be accompanied by challenging thoughts, emotions and behaviors that leave you feeling disempowered and stuck. Working with a therapist can help turn life’s challenges into milestone moments of opportunity, strength and purpose. I will support you as you courageously reclaim your power, authenticity, and an overall sense of well-being, whether that be individually or in your current relationship. Balancing talk therapy with Brainspotting promotes and supports healing through a neuroexperiential process. I encourage you to take a minute and dare to imagine what it might look like for you to reclaim yourself at this stage of life or feel more secure and connected in your relationship.

I specialize in supporting individuals and couples as they navigate milestone moments in life and are experiencing some of the symptoms described above. I am passionate about assisting people as they do this rewarding, introspective work. I would be honored to come along side you, or you and your partner, as you embark on this important journey of self-discovery, growth, and empowerment.